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Updated: Feb 3, 2023

I texted my college roommates.

“Okay, everyone. It is time to let you know what is going on. I wanted to let you know that I got a divorce. I’m moving back to Indiana to live with my family. I think it’s only fair now that all of you have to share a confession from your life so that mine does not seem as nuts.”

The texts of confessions started pouring in.

The five of us had been friends for 10 years now.

Those 10 years have been full.

Full of memories of living together. Traveling together. Visiting each other. Getting into arguments. Getting into trouble. Consoling each other. Ignoring each other. Pushing each other. Forgiving each other. Accepting each other. Encouraging each other. Deeply loving each other.

It was therapeutic and exactly what I needed.

Everyone had secrets.

We laughed and shared in the sadness of what I was going through.

Those are true friends.

The ones who look past your faults and confess their own to console you.

The ones who forgive you and see you for who you truly are.

The ones who remind you of who you are. Whenever you need it...even if it's 2am.

I’m lucky for all of them.

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