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Updated: May 23, 2020

I guess it's a good sign that disgust was the first trapped emotion I released from my body.

I had just read The Emotion Code and was thrilled to learn how to remove negative emotions that were trapped in my body over time. Especially because of traumatic experiences.

I love learning about emotional wellness, natural health, kinesiology, trauma, etc. It brings so much joy in my life, and I find it so fascinating.

I couldn't even afford the book. I felt like I really needed it, and I had to ask my mom to buy it for me. It had been recommended to me by a few sources. At the time, my trauma was paralyzing like a dense fog I couldn't get through. I was trying several avenues to heal and felt like I kept running into dead ends.

The first set of emotions I released was on September 28, 2019.

1. Disgust

2. Discouragement

3. Sadness

4. Blaming

5. Fear

I was disgusted with mistakes.

I was discouraged, living with my parents for the first time in more than 7 years. I felt discouraged about getting a job and getting my life together again.

I was sad. Really sad. For obvious reasons.

I was blaming myself for the affair, the divorce, the choices I've made in relationships, the choices that brought me home...

The fear was trapped from years of living with my dad's alcoholism as a teen. Those years influenced my insecurities, maturity, caution, sense of responsibility, and feeling of low self-worth.

But all of this is okay. I was gifted to be able to see what my body was holding onto and see why it was hurting. I got to ask if it was ready to let go of it all. I was relieved to let go of it all.

Within a few weeks, I felt lighter. I felt the fog starting to drift away. I felt clearer. I could start to see myself and how bad things were.

Since then, I've released dozens of trapped emotions. I've been gentler with myself. As I learn about my past and what has impacted my subconscious, I've been more patient and endearing. Forgiving.

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