The Truth I want to tell myself every day
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The Truth I want to tell myself every day

Hallie, you're rockin it.

Look at your diet. Your cute belly loves you right now. You're eating foods you used to hate. Kefir? You don't even like the smell of that stuff. Kombucha? Look at you finally drinking that stuff after avoiding it for years. You're eating sauerkraut, veggies, herbs, bone broth, supplements... Look at that happy gut bacteria dancing around. Your body loves you.

Hallie, you took dance lessons! Even when you were self-conscious and making mistakes. You did it for weeks and didn't give up. You loved it, and you were so happy when you figured it out. You made friends and felt free.

You started reading fiction for fun again. You asked for recommendations, rented books from the library, and spent hours learning to relax and read for yourself again. And what did that bring? Fun conversations with friends and you even took free yoga lessons at the library. How fun!

You paid back how many customers with money from your paychecks? 100? More? Even though you're filing bankruptcy? That brought so much relief and joy back into your life. And you did it! You answered all of those customer emails, sifting through old documents and data from your company. You're amazing!

You bought clothes for yourself that make you happy and that you feel comfortable in. Cute sandals and dresses. They're beautiful and fit your personality so well.

I'm so proud of you. You're creating a life that brings happiness. You're learning to love yourself and make time for yourself. You listen to your gut and your heart. You're making memories and live in the moment. I love you and what you're creating.

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