A Message From Nashville
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A Message From Nashville

While I was in the cult, I was getting 4-5 hours of sleep each night. Lack of sleep combined with abuse and unmarked supplements was the perfect cocktail for disaster. My clarity and functionality had deteriorated in only a few months.

Late one evening, I needed to get gas on the way back to where I was staying. I was tired and my thoughts were elsewhere. It was not uncommon for me to fall asleep while driving or fall asleep in the driveway with the car still running because of exhaustion.

I didn’t realize I had lost my wallet until the following morning. I was at the clinic and I couldn’t find it in my purse. I couldn’t find it anywhere.

I panicked.

I started shaking. I had to tell the doctor that I lost my wallet and made yet another mistake. How many more days of treatment would I need to have in order to fix this mistake I made? How much more money would I have to pay to make up for the sins of me forgetting yet one more thing? I was told repeatedly that every time I made an error like this, it threw off my treatment schedule.

That’s when it happened.

I received a Facebook message from a friend in Nashville.

“Hallie, did you lose your wallet??? A friend of mine found it in Campbell. Where can we send it?”

I must have dropped my wallet when getting gas the previous night. I quickly responded and explained that I had moved to Campbell, CA.

Within a few hours, I was able to pick up my wallet from a mutual friend who found it on the ground at the gas station. The money was gone, but my ID and credit cards were intact.

It was a miracle.

It was a kiss from God telling me that He was protecting me in the darkness I was living in. He was trying to remind me that He was there.

I still had to confess what had happened. I still dealt with the consequences. But I had my wallet and I was grateful.

When going through trials, I try to remember to trust for moments like these. Trust for miracles. Hold onto them and show gratitude for them. They're all around me if I choose to look for them.

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