"And how's that working out for you?"
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"And how's that working out for you?"

Updated: Dec 6, 2020

The question my therapist asked while discussing my patterns.

"I think I get caught in the serendipity in my life rather than reality. I'll make a choice based on the events lining up rather than looking at what I really want.

Looking back...I loved the connections between my ex and me. We worked at the same jobs. Had the same opinions. Had the same friends. I loved the overlap and coincidences in our life.

And that is how the affair happened, too. I thought 'how could all of these things line up without a reason..."

And then the relationship after that...

We have so much in common.

'You're reading the same books as me.

You know that person, too?

We're on the same journey.

I can't believe it.'

And that's the cycle that keeps happening."

"And how's that working out for?"

"It's not."

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