It could be worse
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It could be worse

My brothers are still alive.

No one is sick.

I have all my limbs.

I don't have cancer.

"It could be worse," I kept telling myself.

Until I found this...

"'You don't have to be grateful that it isn't worse.'

Read that.

Read it again, and again, and again.

Somebody, somewhere, always has it worse than you. There is one person on this planet that has it the worst of all, and that person is NOT the only person allowed to be unhappy with their lot. If things are bad for you, they are bad for you. Period.

This goes for trauma as well. A lot of times survivors get trapped in a cycle of minimizing/diminishing their trauma because 'other people have it worse.' - but there is no hierarchy of trauma. There is no ranking system for which traumas are 'better' or 'worse.' Your trauma is valid."

I saw this on Instagram from the girl I randomly started dog walking for. Turns out she's an ABA Behavioral Therapist.

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